If you wish to make a change to your child’s regular booking pattern, please complete and submit a Change of Attendance Form:
Please read our Change of Attendance Terms and Conditions for further information.
If you wish to make use of your allocation of Session Swaps, please complete and submit the Swaps Request form:
Note that you are required to provide the ‘Swap To’ date at the same time as booking the Swap. Amending either date in the future will use up another of you allocation.
If you wish to give us notice of your child’s leaving date, please complete the Leaver’s form and Questionnaire:
You will be asked for your bank details so that we can refund you your deposit.
Current Parent Links
Existing parents may find the following links useful
Our registration details can be found on the Ofsted website
Please note that you will need the URNs for the individual nurseries to register for Tax Free Childcare etc:
To continue to receive your Extended Funding, you will need to sign into your account every three months to confirm your details. This will ensure that the code you have provided remains valid.
Practically speaking this means that you will have to sign in in mid-March, mid-August, and mid-December so that we can correctly calculate your invoice in the first month of each term.
Information on Fees, Funding and Bank details (for Fee payments and Deposit Increases) can be found on our Money Stuff page.
Here you can download our Microsoft Excel Parent Fee Calculator that will let you know how funding will affect your fees.